Mary Jane Pionk, M.D.

Phone: 858-558-PEDS (7337)
Fax: 858-558-7338

For more information please read
our Frequently Asked Questions
page or call our office at


La Jolla Developmental Pediatrics
4079 Governor Drive #5063
San Diego, CA 92122



Q. What is a Developmental Pediatric Consultation?

A. Developmental Pediatric Consultation is the process of evaluating a child for developmental, behavioral, emotional or neurological concerns. The process involves a comprehensive detailed interview with the parents or caregivers, followed by an evaluation of the child which includes a physical exam. A conference with the family follows to discuss findings and treatment options. Medications may be needed as part of the treatment plan and will be prescribed if necessary. Further testing and referrals if necessary will be obtained at that time.


Q. Who should be seen for a consultation?

A. Any child or young adult who is not developing typically, who is experiencing emotional, behavioral or learning problems, or who is diagnosed with a specific psychological or neurological problem is appropriate for a consultation. In some cases a child will not have a specific diagnosis but the parents are worried about the child. A consultation can help identify if a real problem exists or if the concerns are within normal limits. Young adults ages 18-25 who have a history of developmental or emotional difficulty from their childhood are welcome to join the practice.

Q. Who is not appropriate for consultation with Dr. Pionk?

A. Children or adolescents who have multiple prior psychiatric hospitalizations, who are actively suicidal or experiencing seizures should be seen by appropriate specialist.

Q. How does a consultation work?

A. New patients can expect a comprehensive 2-hour evaluation which includes a 45-minute history from the parents, a 45-minute evaluation with the patient including a physical exam, and a 30-minute feedback conference with discussion on diagnostic findings and treatment options.

Established patients receiving medical management will need 30-60 minute Follow-Up Visits every two to three months. Some patients may need to be seen more frequently or less often depending on their issues. E-mail follow-up is included in the comprehensive evaluation.

Phone consultations are available for established patients under certain situations. The phone consultation is billed similarly to a follow-up visit. Click here for Services.

Q. How is a consultation different from a visit to my regular Pediatrician?

A. Dr. Pionk practices Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics and will not replace your regular Pediatrician. She does not provide general Pediatric services such as immunizations, regular check-ups, or sick visits. She will evaluate and discuss the specific behavioral/developmental concerns. She will communicate with your regular doctor as well as any involved specialists as needed.


Q. Does your office accept and bill insurance??

A. We do not accept or bill insurance. However, our office will provide you with all necessary paperwork in order to file a claim for possible reimbursement through your insurance. It is the patients’ responsibility to submit these claim forms to their insurance company.

Q. Will insurance cover the visits?

A. In many cases, PPO, POS or insurance plans with out-of-network coverage are more likely to provide reimbursement compared to HMO or Medi-­‐Cal plans. Each insurance company reimburses differently and a refund for the full payment amount is not guaranteed. Click here for Helpful Tips to get your visit reimbursed.


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